A cross University Blended Learning Pilot project is currently underway, managed through PSPU and ISS, the project aims to develop a framework and approach to the implementation of Blended Learning (BL). The pilot aims to support the conversion of up to 70 modules to a BL approach (approximately 5 modules per semester across each of the 7 colleges).
The project is sponsored by Professor Martin Stringer, Pro-Vice Chancellor and led by Dr Paul Holland, Dean of Educational Technology and Rhian Kerton, Head of the LTEC, College of Engineering (CoE). The project is managed on a day to day basis by Sean Cahill and is supported by two learning technologists, based across both campuses.
For project information and details of training and support for volunteers on the project, please refer to the Collaborate site: https://collaborate.swansea.ac.uk/staff/projects/TEL/SitePages/FAQ.aspx