CPD – Canvas Turnitin

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Turnitin logoThis self-paced online module sits in the Canvas Essentials course. All staff in the university have automatic access to it and the course will appear in your list of courses on Canvas where you are enrolled as a student. This module provides an overview of the following Canvas tools: Announcements, Discussions, Chat, Inbox, Calendar Appointment Groups and editable Pages. It also covers Canvas Groups.

From an assessment and feedback perspective the course provides an introduction to the use of Discussions, Wikis and Groups as a useful starting point for the consideration of these as alternative assessments. Its main focus is for academic and professional services administration staff who wish to build communication and collaboration into their courses. This topic will also be available in the future as a limited taught Zoom and / or face to face session bookable through Eventbrite: https://www.swansea.ac.uk/canvas/training-and-events/

(Swansea Resource)

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