MOOCs and Distance Learning

Council Chamber, Abbey Building

Thursday 7th March 2013, 12:00 – 14:00


This was a Joint SALT / PGT Academic Board Seminar – MOOCs** and Distance Learning.

The seminar covered the following issues:

  • What are MOOCs ?
  • Why are VCs across the HE world so interested in them ?
  • Should Swansea be getting involved ? What are the advantages to us ?
  • What distance learning are we doing at Swansea ?
  • Are there opportunities for developing further provision and should we be doing this ?

This was an interactive session and got considerable input from colleagues on how they might want to explore developing provision in this area. We also explored what technology and resources were available to support distance learning.


** – MOOCs are Massive Open Online Courses and been gaining significant media attention over the last few months with the involvement of major US universities in Coursera and Udacity amongst others.

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