Category: mobile computing
Digital Heritage and Mobile Technology
The Italian Ministry of Culture (MiBAC) has launched a stylish app for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch (see here). Apart from an online guide there is a facility to buy a virtual ticket for the top tourist attraction in Rome.
That iPad is looking even more expensive…..
India Express has a story about a tablet PC that the Indian Human Resource Development Ministry hope will eventually sell for just $10! Sketchy details so far but it look interesting. I wonder if BECTA could come up with something like that? Oh no, the just been abolished.
Google App Inventor. So easy a cat can do it?
According to Google, the Google App Inventor is built on the idea that you do not need to be a developer to build great mobile applications. Instead of code, App Inventor allows you to visually design applications and use blocks to specify application logic.Use the GPS-location sensor to build location…
For Flash get Frash: How to get Flash on your iHype
“Frash is a port of the Adobe Flash runtime for Android to the iPhone, using a compatibility layer, by comex ( ). Frash can currently run most Flash programs natively in the MobileSafari browser. Frash currently only runs on the iPad, but support for other devices (3GS+ only due…
iPad, schmipdad
Surely you want one of these? It looks as though it’s based on an idea for the XO-2 from the One Laptop per Child XO project It has USB, SD, Flash…..