Category: reflection
Learning through Games – reflections on the SALT Conference 2017

Image: CC0 Public domain courtesy of The SALT Conference 2017 was yesterday and we’re still on a high after the excellent range of posters, presentation and workshops. We’re encouraging you whether you participated, presented or Chaired a session to reflect on the sessions you were at and identify how…
“If I build it, will he come?” Would they want to find out more on Pebble+?

Along with Kevin Costner in the film Field of Dreams, I wondered if I’d get anybody coming to the SALT Training room for last Tuesday’s practical session on creating webfolios, workspaces and tools to support reflection available in Pebble+. We had a really interesting introduction to what Pebble+ could do…
What Pebble+ can do to enhance student learning

SALT’s IT Month kicked off with two contrasting uses of some of the features of Pebble+ to enhance student learning. Pebble+ is available directly from the University’s portal for staff or is a tool inbuilt in Blackboard, the virtual learning environment. Joanne Berry from Arts and Humanities showed how she…