Hello My name is Debbie Baff and I’m new to the SALT team as one of the Senior Academic Developers.
You can find out more about me here on the Meet the Team page or on my About Me Page here.
I’m really looking forward to meeting colleagues at Swansea University and helping to develop, support and embed best practice in learning and teaching across the university . I tweet at @debbaff but you might also find me lurking around the @susaltteam twitter account !
I started last week and I’m loving it so far My colleagues at SALT have been so friendly and welcoming – check out the sign on my chair on my first day !
Learning and Teaching Conference
One of my first tasks is to manage the Annual Learning and Teaching Conference at Swansea, so if you would like to offer me any advice in terms of feedback from previous years or ask me anything about the conference please do get in touch. Save the date, I have it on good authority that it will take place on 28th June 2016 ! If it is anything like last year’s conference I’m sure it will be really great. Anyhow, as soon as I have some more details to share I will let you know so watch this space.
I will also be looking at our communication channels and how we communicate generally both across SALT and the wider university so again if you can offer any thoughts on this I’d love to hear from you !
My phone number is (51) 3166 or email me at Deborah.Baff@swansea.ac.uk