Critical Pedagogy Community of Practice

The past year has brought discussions about equality, diversity and inclusion to the forefront in an abrupt and painful way. From discussions about student digital poverty in blended learning, to confronting structural racism in UK society as a response to the Black Lives Matter movement, these issues (always present) now seem closer to the surface than ever. How do we respond to these challenges in our teaching practice across all subjects? How can we move to educational practice with a driving philosophy of emancipation, rather than one that might be subtly perpetuating inequality? Inspired by the works of Paolo Freire and bell hooks, this group will meet to discuss critical pedagogies, share practice and support each other to broaden perspectives. All members of staff welcome!


A community of practice to share and discuss ideas, teaching strategies, and teaching resources in relation to critical pedagogy, critical thinking and associated radical pedagogies e.g. the work of Paulo Freire and bell hooks.


Anyone interested in exploring power and privilege in education. Anyone who would like to develop these teaching strategies and pedagogy in their own teaching practice, and/ or are already doing so, and would like to discuss and meet with like-minded colleagues. Applicable to all disciplines.


To build a learning and support network for colleagues interested in teaching as a way to develop critical consciousness in ourselves and our students, through sharing experiences, ideas, strategies and resources.


Mainly through ‘TEAMs’ with opportunities to chat, share links and meet via video.


If you are interested in becoming part of this community of practice, please contact:

Darren Minister (Academic Developer, SALT)


Dr Patricia Xavier (Associate Professor, Engineering)

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