Last week I had the pleasure of being part of the volunteer organising team helping to deliver and facilitate the #BYOD4L Bring your own device for learning online course.
Along with Sheila MacNeill from Glasgow Caledonian University, Neil Withnell from the University of Salford, Alex Spiers from Liverpool University and Suzanne Faulkner from the University of Strathclyde, we connected, communicated, collaborated, curated and created our way around a week’s worth of informal CPD and had a great deal of fun in the process !
It’s the fourth year that I have been involved in this excellent initiative by lovely super duo Sue Beckingham and Chrissi Nerantzi as a volunteer and I enjoy it so much
I always learn something new and get to know lots of really cool people! It’s really hard work but well worth the effort.
#BYOD4L is an online course run over five days for students and teachers who would like to learn more about learning and teaching using smart devices and other digital pocket technologies through an open course/CPD. It enables participants to connect with peers and learn within a wider learning community.
Participants can engage in a series of individual and group tasks and activities using the 5’C’s Framework (Nerantzi and Beckingham 2013) A set of authentic scenarios are provided for each of the 5C’s ( Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, Curate and Create) which can be used as triggers for exploration and learning.
This year the team also considered some additional dimensions to the 5C’s framework … so we had 10 C’s instead of the usual 5 ! Confidence, (digital) Capabilities, Copyright and Celebrating! Sheila has written a fab blog post about these here.
We also held a tweet chat every evening and a live periscope every day. (Find out more about Periscope here)
I was super pleased this year to see even more participants from Swansea this year. I held an informal ‘drop in and share experiences ‘session over lunchtime and was joined by colleagues Louise and Non … who were taking part for the first time this year …
met up over coffee today with@gwenffrwd and @LJ_Rees today to talk all things #BYOD4L. #byod4lchat @cpjobling @sharon_harvey2 @rscsam @philippaprice this time hopefully with working link ! thanks @sheilmcn
— Deb Baff (@debbaff) January 17, 2018
If you want to know more, My reflections and various links are available via a PADLET here or please visit the course website for more info !
If you participated this year in #BYOD4l and found it helpful or are thinking of taking part next year please do get in touch!
Bye for now
Debbie(@debbaff on Twitter)