The campus has now returned to normal with 13,000 happy, fresh faced students swarming all over it ! One third of them (at least), not really sure what they are doing and trying to make friends. The sound of overly loud laughing followed by flushed embarrassed silences bubbles up around the campus … and everyone is making a huge effort to wear all the outfits their parents would have heartily disapproved of, as many times as possible.
However, one thing the new students do know what they are doing with, is getting themselves connected to the wireless network. Thanks to the fantastic work done by the wireless guys in ISS and the support available to students, this process is painless !
And connecting they are !

Wireless by device
Getting on for a quarter of the connections on a mobile phone …

Wireless OS
The iPhone is the 2nd most popular OS. Who said they wouldn’t catch on ! And look … 4 people brought their DS and 3 brought a Wii. Probably engineers …
I say that as an engineer, so no complaints please. After all, I could have said social workers ! (Joke !)
The most interesting graph though (to me anyway) is this one:

Rate of connection
More people had connected by the end of the first day this year than had connected in the whole week in 2007 and we were only 47 short of 2008 total !
Our students are connected. They are connecting fast, using a wide range of devices. We need to remember this and to be aware of it. We can’t just provide for students with top of the range laptops. We have to remember those connecting over their phones, through their gaming platform, with their slightly elderly PDA.
What can we make of the fact that getting on for half our students are connected to the wireless network ?