Inclusivity Tweetchat

Just wanted to advertise Swansea University’s first Inclusivity Tweet Chat. It will run from 12 noon on Thursday 12th July. So why not join in, to ask and answer some of the questions that lots of us have and might not feel able to ask. So if you are just looking for advice, or if you are keen to participate, keep next Thursday lunchtime free for a Tweetchat!

So what is a Tweetchat?
A Tweet Chat is a live discussion on Twitter. Usually, a question is posted, with a given time allocated to respond, then the next question is posted and so on. They are often moderated and are usually focused around a topic. To filter all the chatter, or follow the chat on Twitter, a designated hashtag is used. Click here to read more about setting up a Tweetchat: The Ultimate Guide to Hosting a Tweet Chat

  • Our unique hashtag is #InclusiveHEChat
  • Our Twitter name is @InclusiveSU

Here are the questions for @InclusiveSU’s 1st Tweetchat:

questions for the tweetchat


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