Category: screencasting
JISC lecture capture and screen cast tips
JISC have produced this useful set of videos looking at recording lectures and screen casts (including some advice on the legal aspects – did you know there were any ?). I’ve heard several people talking about such things recently, so perhaps this is timely … They are gathered together here:…
Trumpet Blowing
At the risk of being accused of a self-publicising narcissist, may I nonetheless mention two e-Learning related posts from my Blog Fresh and Crispy. My First Pencast demonstrates a learning object that I created using a Livescribe Echo smart pen. Screencasting for Lecture Capture reports on my experiment in creating almost no-effort learning…
Screenr really is easy!
Today I was asked to email some photos that I took of a band that played at the recent Swansea World Party Weekend and posted on Flickr. However, as each image is 2.6 Mbyte in size, I was reluctant to do this, and started to explain, in writing, how you…
Comparison of Online Screen Recording Tools
Amit Agarwal of the Digital Inspiration blog has just published a Comparison of Online Screen Recording Tools: in which he compares the newly launched ScreenR (short for Screen + Recorder) screencasting tool from Articulate which is a free web based screencasting tool that lets you create up to 5-minute long…
Learning Lab ScreenCasts
At the risk of blowing my own trumpet I thought I’d publicise the fact that I have now a small but growing collection of screencasts hosted on in a special Learning Lab folder. I also just noticed that allows subscription to this collection with iTunes and RSS. The…
Adding a Wiki to Blackboard and Jing!
In today’s excellent lunch-and-lean session, Matthew Allen told us how to take the fear out of e-learning by thinking about how traditional teaching methods may be enhanced by technology. In other words, we should regard e-learning is a means to an end, and not the end itself. These insights are…
Introducing Blackboard, Pebble Pad and LEAP
Some of you may of heard of the Blackboard Quest that we use in the School of Engineering to ease our first year students into our MLE of choice! This year the quest was expanded a little to take in brief tours of Pebble Pad (the new Personal Learning System…
Screencasting tools?
This is a question for the community: what screen casting tools do you use and which would you recommend? The context for this is that as a teacher of computer things, I watch a lot of how-to videos that are made available as screencasts, and I’ve even add a go…