This page has been published to give staff at Swansea University a one-stop place to access resources aimed at supporting and embedding new ways of teaching, delivering assessment and providing feedback as we continue teaching and assessing under Covid rules and restrictions.
In addition to the resources on this page, SALT will continue to provide support, guidance, and leadership in areas that have been at the fore over the 2020/2021 academic year. This includes online, synchronous sessions throughout the calendar year with a preference for shorter 30-60 minute sessions offered across a range of days and times. This format is aligned with findings from the SALT Feedback survey.
The links below signpost to specific curated resources that address feedback identified through recent surveys. They are organised into two clear sections to help you enhance your teaching. CPD Courses listed below are self-paced; for details of synchronous training sessions delivered by SALT, please see our Eventbrite page. Sessions to be delivered in the 21/22 Academic year will be added in the coming months.
Students have indicated that they want: | Staff have indicated that they want: |
Canvas advanced features and usage
Making use of technology to enhance learning (TEL)