Category: CPD
Looking Back, Facing Forward – 2018 New Year Blog
How can I improve my skills in digital learning?
Mentor Standards for Teachers in England – links to the UKPSF

Mae’n ddrwg gennym ddim ar gael. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. This is the second two-part blog-post about ‘mentoring’. This second post stems from my engagement in and completion of an…
DPP (Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus) Cynwysoldeb

Hoffai Academi Dysgu ac Addysgu Abertawe (SALT) eich croesawu i’ch Beit DPP cyntaf. Rydym wedi creu cwrs Blackboard o’r enw DPP Cynwysoldeb, y’i nod yw helpu’r holl staff addysgu a chymorth i ddatblygu ymagwedd fwy cynhwysol yn eu rôl. Mae’n cynnwys llawer o wybodaeth am eich dyletswyddau yn unol â’r…