ZOOM FAQs – also in Welsh
Securing your Zoom sessions
WVN Support webpages
Zoom Support
CANVAS Conferences
CPD Canvas Essentials – Conferences
A menu of practical lesson activities (in e-learning mode) – Lesson starters, main activities and lesson closing
Transferring f-to-f delivery to online learning – The Lecture

Blog from James Clay (JISC’s Head of Higher Education and Student Experience). The blog gives an interesting overview on how to translate teaching materials and resources from the physical environment into an online environment. The blog includes hints, tips and models on how to break down your face-to-face lectures to fit an online learning environment.
Transferring f-to-f delivery to online learning – The Seminar
Blog from James Clay (JISC’s Head of Higher Education and Student Experience) looking at translating existing teaching materials for seminars and group tutorials into online delivery. Suggestions include use of video, text chat, synchronous and asynchronous approaches.