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This week’s SaltIT sessions begin tomorrow (Tuesday 29th) with Stuart Henderson as he explains about using the on-line marking and feedback tool, Grademark.
Stuart will show you how to edit and mark student’s work online with GradeMark®. You can use GradeMark to grade student’s written work (i.e. papers, essays, thesis, powerpoint files), non-written work (including images, videos, music files) or work not submitted to a Turnitin assignment (i.e. speeches, presentations, performances, or works of art).
You will discover how to add comments within the body of the paper, point out grammar and punctuation mistakes, evaluate the paper against qualitative or quantitative rubrics, assess the student’s performance within the class and enter a grade for the paper that is automatically saved into GradeBook (optional).
Wednesday Sep 30 is a further Blackboard session. This week’s session with Helen Davies looks at the use of Blackboard Quizzes and online tests to help you support student’s formative assessment in particular. In this session you will explore the tests and quizzes functionality within Blackboard. This will include grading tests and the use and creation of pools of questions for re-use year on year.
For both sessions, please bring a laptop or mobile device.
Unfortunately, we’ve had to cancel Thursday‘s session on WebPA due to technical issues. But, the session will be delivered at a later time during the academic year.
Book a place with Eventbrite. The sessions are in CD201 starting at 12 each day. They are all streamed live and archived for viewing later. Catch updates on Twitter #susaltit or interact with the live sessions #susaltlive. Where is CD201? Its just below SALT – see Contact Us for directions and pictures.