Martin Weller (from the Open University) has republished his presentation from a JISC Emerge conference on SlideShare and released it in a blog post entitled “Finding the Sweetspot Between Web 2 and Education“. The Sweet spot may actually be somewhere between formal instititutional e-learning systems and informal social networks and may have a lot to do with peer support and the gift economy.
Examples given include
- two OU Facebook Applications (the first Course Profiles builds communities around OU courses, and the second, My OU Story, is aimed at building peer support networks for students)
- SocialLearn a social network for the Open University and a platform for developing new types and models of learning
- The EduPunk movement, and the video gifted to the community by Martin and mentioned in this august blog here.
- and Twitter
A very interesting presentation with lots of food for thought!
more about “The sweet spot in education“, posted with vodpod