Zoom Analytics

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Mobile device and paper printouts of graphs and dataThe Reports section of the Zoom website provides account owners and admins that’s WVN for Swansea University with various account, meeting, and webinar statistics to review how your organization is utilizing Zoom. As far as the Zoom tool available for the user, there are a range of report which can be generated for analysis after your sessions, from reviewing meeting statistics and registration/attendee reports for their meetings and webinars. You can also generate reports from any Zoom Polls which you might have launched during the session. Recently ended meetings may take up to 30 minutes to show in reports. Reports can be retrieved for the last 12 months, with a search range of up to one month at a time. If a meeting is not started in 30 days and is batch deleted by Zoom, the reports for the meeting are also deleted.

(External Resource)

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